Monday, February 12, 2007


So for an update....

Church was once again AWESOME yesterday. While the sermon was slightly more uncomfortable than the previous one, it made me realize that it shouldn't have been uncomfortable(if that makes sense). Like Pastor Brian said, the two places sex should be talked about are in church and in the home. And to that i say "Right on!" The Church and the home are the two places that kids should learn about sex. Not school or the t.v. Children, and even people my age, have such a distorted view of sex and sexuality and I completely agree that it is time for the Church to stand up and say something.

Went to the FSU basketball game. Slightly disappointing. Our guys played really well but the refs were just terrible. We lost by one in the last few seconds.
Afterwards I made my way to where else- Lance's. I caught the end of the documentary they made while passing out fliers a couple weeks ago for HUGE props to Donald. The documentary looks great!
Argued about where to eat for about an hour, finally went to Chili's, then delicious Cold Stone (Jenny you rock!), and then back to Lance's. It was a fun night. I could hang out with those people 24/7. They're pretty much the coolest. If you're not friends with them you're missing out.

Today was ok. I'm without a computer for a few days because my stupid AC adaptor stopped working and for some reason they can't just give me a new one and be done with it. As my AP Bio teacher would call them, "Communists". So I am on my roommates computer and I will be dependent on her and the library for my computadorial (yes, i made that word up) needs. Grr...

There were campus preachers in the union once again today. I had never seen a crowd gather like they did around this guy today. (It's probably because the preacher was having to compete with people who were reading from "The Origin of Species".) I didn't really hear what he had to say but i know he was shouting something that was condemning homosexuality and something about crackheads. I don't know. All I know is that they make me so upset. Nothing makes me more upset than someone distorting my religion and making my God look hateful instead of loving. I talked to Mark and Alex about it after the last campus preachers were here and they basically told me that we don't know what God's purpose for them being on campus is and that these preachers don't make students turn away from God, the students decide that on their own. And I understand that but the whole situation still bothers me. I can see how upset and angered people are and I am so afraid that what these preachers are saying is going to further students' desires to live for themselves and not know God. And it hurts my heart. Especially when I want more than anything for these people to know the love of Christ. And while I don't know if it is true, I just feel that these people are doing more harm than good.
But not only does my heart hurt for the students who are angered and turned off by Christians and Christianity, my heart hurts for the preachers. I don't know what their relationship with God is, but I feel like they must have some distorted view of God and the Gospel. I mean, the last preachers who were here, Jeremiah and Frank, I sat and talked with for awhile and found out Jeremiah really knows the Bible. He can quote the Bible more than most Christians I know, but I feel that if he knows the Bible so well then he should know that it tells us to share Christ through our love, not through condemnation and anger. But Jeremiah says that he believes yelling at college students is God's will for his life. And I can't say that he's not telling the truth. I don't know God's plan and what His purpose for all of this is.
I don't know...I'm so confused and upset by all of it.


Anonymous said...

(blushes at the first half of your post) yay! I'm with you on the rest...

Anonymous said...

I do rock.

That is all.

Oh, yeah. Campus preachers bug me, too.