Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I Want To Do My Part

Starting back at school hasn't been too tough. Don't have anything major coming up so i have a lot of free time. I've tried to spend most of it catching up on my Bible reading. I let myself get waaay too far behind in that. And I'm trying to get myself into the pattern of reading inbetween my criminology and math class. I sat out on Landis today and did that. It was gorgeous outside.

While I was out there I was approached by two girls who said they were doing a survey on where people were at in their spiritual lives. I said "of course" and they sat down. They asked if I attended church, what religion, how often, if i believed that if i were to die today that i would go to heaven, etc. They were from a church in gainesville and were doing the surveys because they were looking to plant a church here in tallahassee. They were also using the surveys as a way to share the gospel to those where weren't Christians. We talked a little bit about campus life and the difficulties of being a Christian in college, and there not being enough done to reach out to the campus. they were awesome girls. one of the girls was saved because of people approached her the same way they did me a year ago. They prayed for me and then continued on with their work...

A few minutes later another group of girls approached me also saying they had questions about my spiritual life. The first question they asked was if i thought i would go to heaven and why. I answered and they were surprised at first.. then they realized the Bible that was open on my lap. (ha) We talked a little bit also and they told me they were a group from USF on their spring break.

All of this really got me thinking. These people are coming from other cities, giving up their break, to share the gospel on my campus. When I'm doing nothing. I'm not sharing the gospel like i should be. I'm not inviting people to church or chi alpha like i should be. And i really want to. I just don't know where to begin or what to say. I've never really shared the gospel with anyone and i have no idea how i would begin to explain God and what Jesus did. I'm so scared that I'll say the wrong thing or say something the wrong way.

I want to make God proud. My greatest fear is letting Him down, not being all He created me to be. I feel like there is so much more I should be doing. But like I said before.. i just don't know where to begin...

1 comment:

jny said...

If you get stuck or need an opener, try this line:

"Don't get swept away by the winds of Satan!"
