Monday, February 5, 2007

College Life So Far...: December 21, 2006

College = AMAZING!!
I have loved every bit of it so far. I have met some of the most amazing people ever and made friends i know i will keep for a lifetime.

The people in my dorm are the best. My roommate couldn't be more perfect. I absolutely adore her. We have become so close so fast. I don't know what i would do without her.

Rachel is my new best friend. That girl keeps me sane. I love her to death.

And the boys...oh the boys! ha. they are awesome! they are sooo much fun and always there to entertain me when i'm bored or need a distraction.

I started off college doing the normal college things. Going to parties, doing things i knew i shouldn't have, and just focusing on myself. It was fun in the beginning, but now all that doesnt seem as appealing as it was. I know that I was made for more.

The entire time i was engaged in those activities i could feel God telling me that I shouldnt be doing what i was doing. I ignored Him for awhile, but I couldn't for long. His voice was too loud. I could feel Him pulling me back to Him. He truly does never let go! So i have started going to church on a regular basis. And i've been going to Chi Alpha. i LOVE the people there! oh em gee these people are so amazing. The most loving, Christ-filled people i have ever met. you can just see the light of God shining through them. These people have made turning away from the sinful activities in college so much easier. Instead of partying on the weekends im in bradford oaks playing "Signs" or "Murder in the Dark" till 3 am. And i LOVE it!

I met my other best friend, Jenny, because of Chi Alpha. She's an answered prayer! God knew that i was looking for other Christian girls to be friends with and He provided! Jenny is so awesome. She makes me laugh like no other, and knows just what to say to make me feel better.
I've grown closer to God more than ever these past few months. I'm reading my Bible every day and praying more than ever. I'm really trying to get my heart right with God and in the right place before Passion. I didn't really go to Passion with the right reasons last year. I went because i wanted to be with my youth group and see Chris Tomlin and David Crowder. Even though once I was there God changed my heart and humbled me more than ever, I don't want to go there with the same heart I did last year. I've really been struggling lately with focusing whole-heartedly on God during worship and making worship more about Him than me. This year I want to go yearning for a closer relationship with Him. I want to grow closer to Him. I want to be that girl that I talk about on my profile. I want to be so lost in God that a guy has to seek Him to find me. He deserves everything i have and am and i want to give that to Him. And i think im getting there. There are still a few things that are preventing me from fully following Him. I'm slowly learning that i have to give those things up. That it's worth giving up those things. But i will get there...

On the academic level..i took this semester super easy. My schedule was amazing and the classes were a breeze. Ended up with 3 A's and a B+. Not too bad. Should have made the B an A tho. Oh well. Next semester is going to be harder. Hopefully i can get back into the routine of actually working! ha.

well that's about it right now. im sure there will be another update later on...

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