Monday, February 5, 2007

True Joy- February 09, 2006

It's hard to see how broken my friends are. How lost they are. It just breaks my heart. What makes it worse is that they arent even willing to give up the things of the Earth that they look to for fullfillment. They can't see that all they are digging in empty wells that will never satisfy them. Some dont want to see it. I wish there was some way i could just shake them and scream "True happiness can be found! Stop turning away from it!" Why people would rather go on with a huge hole inside of them completely befuddles me. It confuses me so much because I used to be just like them. I used to think like, "I can turn over my life to God when I'm older. I just want to do the things that make me happy right now." I know exactly how they feel. I just pray that God will open up their eyes, like he did mine, so they will realize that God wants all of us right now! And he deserves it!!
I'm not perfect. I dont claim to be. Even though i have given up the really bad things i used to do, I still fail everyday. Whether it be lying, lashing out on my brother, cursing, happens everyday. And i know I'm not the only sinner out there. I just pray that people know it is ok to not be perfect. That God loves them and will forgive all their sins if they just ask for mercy. He grants it freely. And mercy is free because Jesus payed the ultimate price. We are wiped clean because of Christ died. If that isnt a reason to worship, to pray, to give our lives wholely over to Him, I dont know what is.
God wants to fellowship with you. God wants to be your sole source of joy. All you have to do is ask. He waits for you to ask.
I dont know who reads my blogs but whoever does, if you dont know Christ, if you dont know the Lord of the universe, please never hesitate to ask. I pray each night for the oppurtunity to tell others about the complete joy I have found.
I love all of my friends so much and I pray that one day I will see all of them worshipping God and being compeltly overwhelmed with a happiness that cannot be found anywhere else.

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