Monday, February 5, 2007

Things Are Looking Up!

Things Are Lookin Up!! Current mood: content
I just want to say first of all, thank you to everyone who left me comments on my last blog. It really meant alot. Especially to Stephanie. Everything you said made perfect sense and really clicked with me and has changed my view of "feeling" close to God. Thank you so much!
Things have been going really well lately. My parents have been kind of gay but besides that my life is pretty awesome. It was great yesterday, not having to go to school! ha. I definitely was at the beach all day!
Eight days till my birthday! 18 finally! i cant wait. I'm going out both wednesday and thursday. it's gunna be a two day celebration! oh yeah!
I dont know what has changed but i feel nothing like how i felt in my last blog. i am so happy right now. i just feel fullfilled in every way. I think part of it is that i have realized who the important people in my life are and what amazing friends i have. Especially my youth group. They are so amazing. i love those guys more than i can possibly say. they just always make my day brighter just thinking about them. i only get sad when i think of the time i missed with them. i wish i had switched churches sooner. Im finally getting really close with these people and i leave in a week and a half. but still..i have been spending a lot of time with them and it has been a blast!!
I move on the 19th!! it's coming so fast. it excited and nervous at the same time. i can imagine what im going to experience. its going to be a complete change. it should be pretty awesome! my roommate seems pretty cool. we have the same taste in music so we should get along great. i need to find a good christian group there. i need a good foundation of friends that will hold me accountable and not let me get too crazy while im out there! ha. oh goodness. Growing up is weird!
well that is my update for now. <333

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