Friday, February 9, 2007

Oh What A Broken World We Live In

So last night didn't go as expected at all...
Started off with an amazing night at Chi Alpha. The worship was amazing and Ken gave a great message about "the best way to prepare for tomorrow is to obey God today" and how no matter what situation we find ourselves in, God will equip us with whatever it is we need to deal with it.
It was awesome.
Then Jenny and I headed over to Lance's for another night of passing out fliers on the strip. I was nervous and excited because I didn't know what to expect. About 30 minutes into passing out fliers, we run into this guy, "Casper". I don't know what he originally stopped us for, I think it was something to do with getting into one of the clubs. Lance started talking to him and he told us that he had just gotten out of prison on monday and how he was living at the shelter. I didn't hear why he was in prison but later on he told us that he has a son in Alabama that he says he can see whenever he wants but can't stay there because there are so many warrants out for his arrest in Alabama. He says he has a girlfriend here and that he would bring her to our church on sunday. I really hope they come.
Then another guy came up who began telling us his story. This guy, Frank, broke my heart. I didn't get to talk to him as much as Shaun and Chase did but from what I heard, his story is one of the saddest I have ever heard. He had been in prison for eight and a half years for involuntary manslaughter. He was driving drunk with his wife and son in the car, and got into an accident and they were killed. He's been on and off drugs for years, been through so many detox's, and is a recovering alcoholic. He came up to us asking for some pocket money for his bus ride to Leesburg where he was going to enter a program at a Baptist Church for a year. He was really scared about the program because he was basically cut off from the world and immersed in the program. But Shaun and Chase talked with him and prayed over him and I just pray that he did get on that and that he will stay in that program.
While we were sitting outside Gumby's talking to these two men, I was watching the people on the strip. The guys, drunkenly stumbling all over the place, and girls in the shortest skirts and tiniest tops (yay alliteration) that i have ever seen. It made me so sad. There is so much more to this life. There is so much more than alcohol and sex but there are so many people who don't see that. Or don't want to see it. That life is so empty. So unfulfilling. The saddest part of it all is that these kids know that there is more to live for. They know about God and what Jesus did, but they turn away from all of it. They would rather fill their lives with things that bring temporary "pleasure". It breaks my heart. Especially the girls. I just wish they would realize that there is so much more to them than how men see them and what society says their worth is.
I am so thankful that I was never sucked into that way of life. I am so thankful that I know God and that I have a purpose and a sense of fulfillment that this world could never give me.
God has in the past year put a burden on heart for girls, especially teenage girls. I'm going to school to work with juvenile girls. Juvenile girls are so broken and are so in need of someone to just be there and to listen and to care about them.
This is also why I'm looking into working with Diverge. The girls there are so fragile and in need good role models early and girls who are older that they can talk to who have been through the same things that they are going through now.
I don't know. I just want to do my part. What ever it is that God has planned for me.


Anonymous said...

Gah, I know EXACTLY how you feel. It's so intense.. this burden for hurting people, but I love that God has given it to me, and I want to do my part to fulfill whatever purpose He has for my life.. Hey, I think I'll write a blog now.

Nice alliteration. :]

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I'm glad God has placed a burden for hurting people on you heart, and that you are being proactive and living out your faith, instead of staying inside a Christian bubble. Props to you! Glad to be involved in ministry with you! You're such a blessing!

Anonymous said...

Dude! Yeah, that was a crazy night. I find myself thinking about Frank quite a bit. Unsettling experience, but hopefully he's doing better now.

[I'm a little behind on my blog readings]
